Drop the struggle.
Befriend your mind
to get stuff done.
Hello you! The badass creative freelancer with a business you’ve worked hard to build.
Feel like something’s stopping you from achieving your goals, even though they’re JUST within reach?
The problem isn't you or your skills, but it might just be your mindset.
Let's change that.

Becomes someone who stops obsessing - and LAUNCHES that big ticket offer!

I approached Annie about coaching because I was finding it near impossible to talk about my big tickets offers
I'm a very visual person, and Annie tapped into that and used that to help me understand my fear. Now, when tension does come up with regards to money, I know where it's coming from so it's easier to be aware of and move past.
Since this breakthrough, I started promoting my big tickets offers, stopped obsessing over my sales page, and I state my prices on my marketing without any ick or fear of being called out.
I'm learning not to set rules but think about habits that are important to me and my biz. And it's all making running my business feel more joyful, clear, fun, and easeful.
Alice Shepherd Erlac, Founder and Facilitator
You're not 'bad' at time management - there's a deeper reason you put things off.
You’ve heard of it. But it doesn’t always manifest the way you expect. It’s not ALWAYS dismantling your washing machine to avoid your To Do list. 🙃
That big dream that just keeps getting pushed to next week.
The website. The product launch. The goals you set with that business coach. All things that are supposed to be happening, that you were supposed to have done. But here you are, months or even years down the line, stuck in the same place you were when you first had the lightbulb moment or set the goal. Huh. 🤔
The overwhelming daily tasks that always seem to take too long.
The little things you’re supposed to be able to do in no time at all. The mountain of client work that makes you freeze instead of knuckling down. Your own marketing content or outreach you NEVER get around to doing – despite it being top of your list.
Big picture or small things, something is stopping you from getting the damn thing done, and you’re not quite sure what. You’ve tried the courses, the schedules, the systems.
Perhaps the block is coming from somewhere a little closer to home – your mind. 🤯
Understand your anxiety and get your client work done FASTER.

My power hour with Annie was SO valuable. I'm not someone who buries their head in the sand but I could see the way I was dealing with particular aspects of my work weren't working properly.
Annie helped me understand exactly why I struggled with anxiety about specific clients and then gave me new approaches to dealing with that anxiety.
Each time I put them into practice I feel the weight of them shift. My headspace is no longer taken up with concerns about clients' judgements or opinions, allowing me to focus and get on with the task at hand. Success 😊
If there's something you're avoiding with your work, something that feels blocked, or something you wish you could do better - speak to Annie!
Amaia Wilson Frade, Copywriter
Mindset Coaching combines a deep understanding of yourself + ACTION.

We’re a perfect match if you want…
A plan you can get behind
Simple and realistic goals
We can’t focus our way into getting on track if we don’t know where we’re going. That’s why we zoom out and look at the big picture, figure out your MOST important importants and realign your to-do list. We’ll identify simple, realistic and flexible goals using my Choice Roadmap tool.
Sustainable long-term results
Keeping up your momentum
The Most Important Thing to me is that our sessions make a real impact for you out there in the wild. My clients tell me that they sometimes wish they had a little coach in their back pocket, and once they learn how to self-coach, they always know how to have their own back.
Tools to get out of overwhelm
Regulate your nervous system
Even the world’s best plan won’t stop you from procrastinating when a part of it stirs up thoughts and feelings that make you want to deep clean the sink. That’s why as well as setting actions and goals, we look at your mindset and help develop awareness, decisiveness and resilience.
Coaching guided by your values
Not your 'shoulds'
When we discover how WE want to run things, truly considering what is authentic to us and getting super clear on our vision, then we can celebrate our actions knowing our time is well spent. No more sticking random ambitious targets to the mirror and hoping for the best.
Learn to work with your unique brain, not against it.
More small business owners I've helped break free from procrastination:

Kaylin Sullivan
"Before coaching, I felt stuck, overwhelmed and constantly behind. Annie helped me come up with a plan that works for me without burning me out and identify the steps I need to take to overcome my mental blocks. I’m now finally on my way to launching my women’s circle business and working on my book every week."

Hannah Chung
“Annie’s sessions have helped me to identify my pain points in my overall aims and day-to-day planning and how best to visualise solutions in fun and creative ways.
I've seen that I don't need to be constantly stressed - there is another way! I've really built my self-compassion."

Amy Ashton
"I've got better at sticking at doing one thing at a time: not only am I more efficient in doing that, it's just way more relaxing. Doing the 'Meet Future You' exercise helped me through the need to procrastinate. I kept thinking about her and it helped me to visualise the goal and that enabled me to focus better."