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It's time to stop putting off your marketing and secure yourself consistent clients.

Learn how to befriend your mind and uncover your blocks to selling 🧠

For creative freelancers who are READY to shout out about their amazing services, and know that their mindset could be holding them back.

Your Mindset Coach Annie Bell will support you to get to the root of your procrastination, and teach you the tools you need to get into control and become unstoppable.

1 Session: £150

2 Sessions: £250

6 Sessions: £600

Annie Bell's Headshots-5492_edited_edite

Become someone who consistently has a bank of content ready to hit Publish.

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I cannot recommend Annie enough - even just an hour of her time will utterly transform the way you work!

I'm someone who thrives off the stress of being "busy" and I need the pressure of a deadline to get something done, with a weekly unhealthy adrenaline kick and stress. I couldn't seem to break the bad habit.


We unpacked why I felt I couldn't move away from this way of working, what I could do to change it, and prompted so many "ah-ha!" moments because I finally felt like I understood my brain.


I've never completed my work as efficiently as I have been doing now - I actually write all of my social posts in advance! I feel this sense of calm empowerment because I understand my mind much better than I did before and I know what to do to change it.

Jess Sutton, Freelance Copywriter

This is for you if you suspect it's your own brain that is getting in the way of selling your stuff 🧠😬

You have done the hard work - you know your craft, you know your ideal client, you understand HOW this whole marketing thing works...


AND YET - you still find yourself putting off actually DOING the damn thing.


I'm gonna say it: getting an AI app to time block your day, enrolling onto yet another marketing course, or hiring someone to write all your copy is likely not going to be the thing that finally gets you out there selling your services.


What could be holding you back now are: your thoughts & feelings about yourself, your business, or what you offer.


Marketing is the perfect way to bring up our 💩 - any of this sound familiar?


If you are putting off marketing, please know you are not the only one and it's NO SURPRISE 🤪

Our brains have been designed to keep us safe, and so trying out new things, drawing attention to ourselves and putting ourselves up on a plate to potentially be rejected... wonder it gives you the thought "who do you think you are?"


OF COURSE that's going to make you procrastinate. It's incredibly uncomfortable and confronting.


The good news? We don't have to waste time avoiding or trying to 'positively reframe' our thoughts.


There is another way.

Once you overcome what is holding you back, you'll get results like:

Become someone who is securing future clients in the DMs.

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I can't believe how many mindset shifts I had in such a short space of time. I had been struggling with replying to my messages/texts which is an essential part of running a business but it would take me hours everyday due to procrastination.


I wasn't sure how much we could cover in a hour but I had multiple ah-ha moments and mindset shifts that I would have never thought of without her support.


I even had some instant wins straight after our call, with new perspectives that I now think of literally everyday when I am running my business.


Annie set clear expectations, we discussed multiple techniques to help me overcome my problem and I really enjoyed Annie's gentle but constructive coaching style! Can't recommend Annie's coaching enough!

Freya Padmore, Freelance Web Designer

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Hey I’m Annie – and I love helping people do hard things.

I don't believe there is any one 'right' way to do marketing. If you know that having a website, creating videos of yourself or going to networking events simply doesn't work for you and your biz - then I'm not here to force you to do anything.

What we will do is uncover the marketing strategy that is aligned with your values and the person you want to be.

So that even if it feels scary, if you can see the return it would have for you and somewhere deep down you do want to do it... THEN we will help you process any thoughts and feelings getting in your way and MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Three reasons working on your mindset is going to secure your future clients:


Learning how to handle short term discomfort makes you capable of ANYTHING - even that dreaded Sales Page


Working with your mind instead of trying to escape it means no more procrastination and task switching

= Get in your client's Inbox NOW


Knowing what marketing works best for you + your biz means you'll stick at it in the long-term and get continue to get results

  • Maybe I just need to work on my biz systems and get some good old automation and AI help instead?
    Yep - having a clear system definitely helps with productivity and getting stuff done. But hear me out: you could have the most beautiful colour coded Notion board full of amazing ideas, and if actually implementing them and getting your voice out there and selling still makes you want to run away and reorganise your wardrobe, then you don't have a system problem, you have a mindset problem. Let's really dig into what is going on here and help you to take big and brave action 🌝
  • I'm ADHD / autistic / neurodivergent, will this work for me?
    I see you my fellow ND pals! In my work I use a blend of tools and techniques from behavioural therapy (such as ACT and FAP) which have been shown to be the most effective type of support for people who are autistic and ADHD. This is because instead of asking questions like 'is that thought true?' (which can be super confusing for us!?) we remove any emphasis on a thought being true / false, good / bad, positive / negative. Instead, we explore what impact your thoughts are having on your behaviour and learn to handle them without trying to fight them, reframe them or make them go away (which is impossible... especially for us ADHDers!)
  • Can I speak to you before I buy?
    Of course! You can book in a 30 minute Discovery Session here. Look forward to speaking with you 🙋‍♀️
  • Let's do this! How do I book coaching?
    ☑️ Choose a package from the 3 options below and click on the link to book yourself in - simple! If you'd like to speak to me before you book, please don't hesitate to book in a Discovery Session here. 1 Session: £150 2 Sessions: £250 6 Sessions: £600 ☑️ Once you're booked, you'll be sent a link to an intake form where you can fill me in on what's happening for you right now and what you'd love to come away with from coaching. Then we can hit the ground running together WOO. ☑️ If you are happy for the session to be recorded via Fathom (privacy policy here), you'll receive your session transcript and AI summary within 24 hours, as well as a session debrief sheet for you to fill in and support yourself to integrate your learning and insights.
  • Why wouldn't I hire a business strategist or sales expert to help me?
    My service is for you if you've already poured energy into sales strategies (maybe even working with a biz coach already) - but you know there is something deeper holding you back from implementing the damn thing. You may have created a super detailed plan with dates and targets that looks FOOLPROOF - but then you found that it just didn't happen. This could be because your strategy was based on looking around you and grabbing things you think you 'should' do rather than getting in touch with what is important and meaningful to you (I can help there!) OR it could be that there are some mindset blocks to implementing your strategy (let's get STUCK IN to them and not let them hold you back!)
  • Can I just read about ACT, do some journalling and give myself a good kick and a better routine?
    I would love for you to be keeping a regular journalling practice and dig into ACT to support yourself (a really good place to start would be 'The Happiness Trap' by Russ Harris). However, the level of self-awareness that can be built by having a practitioner there with you to reflect back what you're saying and spot patterns in your thinking, as well as walking you through the tools in a safe and accessible way - is what is going to truly transform how you see yourself and therefore how you show up to your marketing. And if you're wanting to give yourself a good kick - please know that battling with yourself is part of procrastination. It may work in the short-term, but the best thing you can do for your long-term productivity is to understand and support yourself with compassion.
  • How do I know how many sessions I need?
    Here's an idea of what we could cover in the different packages: ⭐ £150: A one-off Power Hour - we'll tackle that one juicy thing that keeps getting pushed back, uncover what's really going on - and support you to know how you can befriend your mind and GET IT DONE. ⭐ £250: 2x one-hour long sessions (recommend you do these two weeks apart) - this works best for something you want to want to get into the habit of (e.g. starting to do talking head videos, consistently updating your website) but you just can't seem to get started or make it stick. This includes a short workbook for you to work through between sessions. ⭐ £600: my full Time Mastery Coaching Programme which is for you if you are looking to work through mindset blocks in all aspects of productivity in your business (including planning, marketing and sales). This includes the workbook, audio recordings for you to play in your own time, and email support from me so that I am in your back pocket if you get stuck with something and need some quick spot coaching. Below is an idea of what we could cover in 6 sessions. The order and content is flexible and we will discuss everything before we get started! Prioritisation Roadmap that gets you connected to your values, gives you clarity on your vision of business success, and helps you make any decision An updated website / bio / profile that demonstrates your authority and personality as we've worked through any imposter syndrome or perfectionism The habit of building relationships & connecting with your future clients regularly - whether through DMs, IRL networking, email marketing - any fear of judgement or rejection sensitivity is no longer holding you back Tools to support you in your Money Mindset - becoming someone who is shouting from the rooftops about their amazing services regularly, selling consistently and having secure client income. BOOM. Know how to be in control and master your time: simple, impactful and sustainable SOPs that will help you achieve your desired milestones WITHOUT overworking or burning out Time Freedom! Learn how to support your focus so you are not task switching, procrastinating or suffering from creative block. Get your work done quicker = more time to be freeee and do whatever the heck you want!
  • So what is mindset coaching - what will we actually be doing?
    You send me your current problem (via the intake form), and I prepare the mindset tools and exercises for you to learn in our session that are going to best help you in your particular business challenge. 😎 The techniques I use support you in working with your brain, not against it. We will spend as much time as we need practicing using the tools together so that you are then ready to implement this on your own. We then get stuck into the more practical side of planning and time management - we will go through a goal setting exercise to support you move forward in running your business. For the final 5 minutes we bring everything together and capture your key-takeaways from the session in your own words.
  • Is this like therapy?
    Yes and no. I am a qualified Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) practitioner and use this as framework for my coaching. ACT teaches us how to reduce the impact and influence of challenging and confronting thoughts and feelings and helps us take bold and brave action to build the kind of rich life that we want for ourselves. It is much less Freudian than other kinds of talking therapies - which may ask us to examine our childhood for clues to determine 'why' we are the way we are today. I integrate the best bits of ACT, IFS, and mindset coaching to offer a service that helps you dig deep into what is really going on with a big emphasis on using this to TAKE ACTION and get the important stuff DONE.

Become someone who works with your mind, not against it.


I absolutely loved working with Annie! I felt like I was in safe hands and it was a judgement-free zone which enabled me to dig deeper into why I procrastinate. She guided me calmly through steps to help battle the inner voice telling me to put things off.


While I still have some way to go, I can recognise the signs, acknowledge them and work through them thanks to Annie.


I highly recommend working with Annie if you need help with your mindset or productivity!

Nicole Engelmann, Freelance Photographer

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